You are invited to attend the inaugural International Women’s Day luncheon of Accounting Innovators Australia*

“Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality in Accounting”

Wednesday 8th March 2023 | Wharf Room - Hyatt Regency, Sydney

This year’s theme for UN International Women’s Day is “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”. 

This theme is aligned with the priority theme for the upcoming 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW-67), “Innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.”

The work being done by the UN in this area explores the impact of the digital gender gap on widening economic and social inequalities. It also spotlights the importance of protecting the rights of women and girls in digital spaces and addressing online and ICT-facilitated gender-based violence.

While it may seem that these issues are far removed from Australian women in accounting, did you know that men are paid on average 24% more than women (source: CAANZ Chartered Accountant Remuneration Survey) and that 46% of women have been sexually harassed at work in the past five years (source: Australian Human Rights Commission)?   

In an accounting practice these issues can lead to lost productivity, unhappy teams and team members, women leaving a practice and the profession and taking their valuable knowledge with them, too few female role models and mentors, poor employee retention (male and female), and challenges with attracting young women to the profession in general. 

I started Accounting Heart because I wanted to create a flexible and safe workplace for women, where they can flourish in their careers at the same time as nurturing their families and/or pursuing their passions.

Technology and innovation (and a lot of hard work!) are the ingredients that have enabled me to grow a highly successful, multi award-winning practice over the past 7 years and now I would like to give back.

The aim of this luncheon is to start a different conversation around gender equality in the accounting industry in Australia.

A conversation that involves both women and men.

A conversation that inspires action.

A conversation focused on solutions rather than problems.

A conversation about education, awareness and change, not blame and shame.

A conversation that includes accounting professionals and businesses who work closely with the accounting profession working together using technology and innovation to move us forward.

This event - and the Accounting Innovators Australia community - is for accountants, leaders of accounting firms and businesses who work closely with the accounting profession who support gender equality and want to connect with like-minded change makers who can help them effect positive and lasting transformation in their business.

Introducing your MC: Annette Densham

From her first foray into the world of journalism at 15, Annette Densham was hooked on sharing other people’s stories. A weaver of words and a hoarder of knowledge, Annette has written copy for websites, speeches, marketing and presentations and topics from forklifts to tax, to theatre lights and sport, to senior issues and health … she knows what makes news.

With a 30 plus year career in newspapers – The Australian, Financial Review, and Daily Telegraph, magazines (print and digital) and corporate communications, this ex journo now uses her skills through her business The Audacious Agency to teach small business people how to use their stories to connect with the world and build influential brands.

Annette’s work to create award winning entries and leverage them with media and publicity has been recognised with national and international business and PR awards. She believes everyone can use their award story to connect with the media and beyond and she’s proved this by helping her clients secure over $4 million in free advertising through mainstream media.

Annette is also a stand-up comedian, and as an author, trainer, mentor and speaker, she weaves her story magic everywhere.

Keynote speaker:
Dr Stacey Ashley CSP

Obsessed with Leading Possibility, Dr Stacey Ashley CSP is a Leadership & Coaching Expert.

With over 30 years’ experience, Stacey has helped 1000’s to develop their leadership competence, confidence and credibility.

With 8 international Stevie awards, Stacey has been named twice in LinkedIn’s Top Voices.

The author of five Amazon #1 best selling books on leadership, Stacey has a talent for translating complex concepts into simple & practical ideas for immediate application.

Stacey is often described as the leader for leaders.

Find out more about Stacey on her website and LinkedIn.

Guest speakers

Taminda Pollé

Leading authority on information security and digital transformation



Kara Weaving & Damian Kernahan

Customer experience and innovation experts


Proto Partners CX

Platinum Event Partners

Gold Event Partners

Media Partner

Bronze Partner

Bring your team, clients and colleagues to join us in this conversation.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Sonia Gibson

Director, Accounting Heart Chartered Accountants.

All profits from this event will be donated to the Global Institute for Women’s Leadership.

*Accounting Innovators Australia is a community for change-making accounting professionals, practices and industry providers. More information will be available at the event.